quinta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2008

Buildings and products for sale

We work with buying and selling of real estate and rural areas. We in the city in Central Brazil Uberlândia, work with sale and purchase of hotel, business, large areas, reforestation, agricultural products with coffee and oil. Make an appointment enie email to vendas@thiagocorretor.com.br

Code: 123
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Campina Verde / MG
Value: R$ 1,700,000.00
Property details:
Great for livestock, agriculture (sugar cane, corn, soybeans) next to Usina Santa Elisa in the city of Campina Verde and Cururipe in the region of Iturama, pisciculture. Great access, far from Uberlândia only 190 km, great and prosperous land, linking the state of the MG Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás and São Paulo DESCRIPTION: 203 hectares or 53.9 acres of pasture with grass miners: brachiarão, small party with decumes and dictioneura, with a predominance of Brachiaria brizantha (Brachiarão), all in excellent state of preservation, the pastures were formed mechanically, with plowing, harrowing, and fertilization, are reserved, with abundant green mass and able to support the animals immediately . It has 52 hectares of reserves and the remainder registered in riparian. Predominance of red soil mixed with soil. With abundant water in the stream passing Grand Bridge at the bottom of the farm, with two perennial springs throughout the year. Shows a flat topography, all curved.
LOCATION: Mineiro Triangle region of Pontal, 190 km from the Uberlândia Br 497 to 44 km from Campina Verde and 50 km from Iturama, 23 of the district of Honoropólis, 200km and 140km of frutal Rio Paranaíba (Porto Alencastro) in the currency of Mines with Mato Grosso do Sul and Rio Grande water sense Red 80 km on the border with Minas de São Paulo. Being removed from the paved road just 6 km.
BENFEITORIAS and buildings: Electricity single phase with 02 processors, 10 Kwa; coverage of mobile telephony, with 13 rooms of grass, where there is water on 10 pastures of cement, 03 other pastures have dams. There are 06 dams on the property and 07 mines to supply the pipe with pastures and homes. Houses for deposit of salt and food, shed for machinery and implements; Curral of chordae with the 15x22 shed, home to Tanquinho of expansion, coverage of the trunk, 02 water tanks with capacity of 5,000 liters and a corral next to the bathroom. The farm is equipped with 02 homes of officials, with 03 office suites. The currencies are the property with about 5 yarn plain wire.
Total area of land: 261 acres

Code: 120
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Itumbiara / GO
Value: R $ 1,764,000.00
Property details:
42 acres, dam, corral, 2 houses, 05 km from the plant, 12 km from the city, only 5 km of land, stream, mine water (very good water), aircraft, electric power, approx. 26 ALQ. for agricultural cane. Founded in pastures, excellent location, roads in good conditions. The owner accepts proposal. See more information. It is worth giving. Get in touch and get all the photos.
Total area of land: 203.28 hectares

Code: 162
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Formosa / GO
Value: R $ 3,500,000.00
Property details:
Located in front of the BR - 020. Suites with excellent seat to only 800 meters of asphalt, curral open, covered corral, shed, good water, dams.
Total area of land: 1,050 hectares

Code: 167
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Cajuru / SP
Value: R $ 5,000,000.00
Property details:
Excellent farm in the region of Ribeirao Preto / SP. Headquarters with 8 bedrooms, 4 suites, swimming pool, sauna and barbecue. 3 houses for accommodation of employees, 11 hydroponic greenhouses plantation and 380 thousand feet of coffees with whole structure of maintenance: hair, terrerão, washer and tractor. It formed part for livestock. The property owner agrees in São Paulo - Capital as part payment. See more information. Excellent business.
Total area of land: 205.7 hectares

Code: 136
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Campina Verde / MG
Value: R $ 5,000,000.00
Property details:
Great ranch with 150 acres or 726 hectares miners to 42 km from the city, only 500 meters of asphalt, flat, with corral, landed, trunk, 01 with retreat house and aircraft, electric, 02 water reservoirs with capacity of 30,000 liters each , dams, tanks. Only 200 km from Uberlândia, 80 km from the border of Mato Grosso and 70 km from the border of São Paulo. Possibility of more than 50 bushels neighbors (consultation price). Index average rainfall of 1,500 mm / year and altitude of 494 meters. It is worth giving. The owner-term studies and real estate in exchange for mining triangle.
Total area of land: 726 acres

Code: 170
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: New Brasilândia / MT
Value: R $ 18,100,000.00
Property details:
Farm located in the plateau region of the Sierra Azul to 35 km from Plateau, 76 km from New Brasilândia, 150 km from Campo Verde, 190 km from Cuiaba, 230 km of spring in the East. It has several sources, 70% flat topography, soil with 35% to 45% of clay. Are 7,240 hectares in native pasture and cerrado, annual rainfall index 2.500mm. Only $ 2,500.00 per hectare. Area sells all or part ..
Total area of land: 7,240 hectares

Code: 177
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Uberaba / MG
Value: R $ 5,500,000.00
Property details:
426 hectares formed in all legal limits and has reserves, sound of water with 3 dams and was fitted for a''factory''for development of calves of genetics, including several containing stalls for horses, and IVF laboratory for TE, curralama new and modern use of sophisticated techniques of reproduction, pastures new and divided into paddocks and corridors that facilitate the management, in addition to electricity with two entries, artesian well, antenna for radio, telephone and internet broadband, good houses, storage, silos and so on. It is only now producing from the first day. This is a 54 km of track Uberaba Veríssimo.

Code: 195
Farms - Venda
Neighborhood: Rural Area
City: Monte Alegre de Minas / MG
Value: R $ 430,000.00
Property details:
Farm about 20 km from Monte Alegre de Minas, 20 bushels miners and currency around the farm in Paraguay, 5 wire, stream, spring, 200 meters from the river margin, documentation OK, endorsed legal reserve, without improvements. Excellent price.
Total area of land: 96.4 acres

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